Friday, September 28, 2007

ISN and the Better Business Bureau

Well well well.

Looks like I'm not the only person who has had difficulties getting the service I paid for from the International Speakers Network.

Check this out from the Knoxville, TN Better Business Bureau.

More September: Experiences with the International Speakers Network

When I continued being put off by Brenda and Dona, I finally decided to do a little research on my own.

Since there is no direct contact information in the proof copy of the brochure I received, I hunted down email addresses for each one of the other four people listed in the proof I had been sent. I sent an email to each one individually, simply asking what their experiences have been, and whether they were supposed to be part of the Five Featured Health and Wellness people included in the brochure.

I heard back from all of them. Here are the results:

  • First -- I had a bit of a clue of what I would hear back because of the other four people, only one even addresses health and wellness issues.
  • Not one of them is supposed to be included in that mailing. None of them paid for it.
  • Three of them mentioned that they had purchased services for other mailings. Not one of them has ever seen any of those mailings. As far as they know, none were ever emailed.
  • None of them has ever been booked as a speaker through ISN or Book a Speaker -- not one booking among five people. Not one.
I then contacted another person I know who is a member of the ISN and who is a health and wellness speaker. She told me she IS supposed to be a part of the Five Featured Speakers program, but to this date has never received any proofs. Further, she has also made inquiries, but so far -- no one has even replied to her emails.

That is the status as of today. I'll keep you posted.

Early September: Experiences with the ISN

Early September came and went. Still no response about whether the mailings were begun. However, I got plenty of email about new programs I could spend my money on. "Five Featured Speakers Here" or "Business Leaders Book" there....

On September 17, I received another one of those emails from another regular contact, Dona Merrit, about another campaign -- this one for 12,000 planners over six months... which would cost me even more money....

Instead I replied by asking the status of my mailing.

My reply was forwarded to Brenda Keefer. I heard nothing. That went on for several days and finally I heard back from Brenda asking me for my proof. What proof? Well, supposedly, she had emailed my flyer to me to proof -- but -- surprise! I had never received it.

It made me wonder -- how is it I had received all those other mailings asking me to participate in further promotional opps, but I had never received the proof? It took her four more days to actually send me what I was supposed to proof -- and sure enough -- there were 5 speakers, several errors, and NO identifying information so that anyone who received it would know who to contact to book these speakers.

I sent her my corrections, and asked when it was going to be mailed. Brenda told me she was waiting to hear back from one more person who had been called out of the country on an emergency and then it would be emailed -- after we all proofed the final copy.

So I waited.... and waited....

August 2007: My experiences with the ISN

In June 2007, I had paid for my membership in the International Speakers Network, plus I had paid for a program called Five Featured Speakers in Health and Wellness. The idea was that e-brochures would be sent to 12000 health and wellness conference planners over a six month timeframe.

In August, two months later, the ISN had not even requested I send them the information I wanted included in the brochure. I wrote and asked when they would need it and they said they wanted it right away. They had just sold the last spot in the mailing.

OK -- that made sense. They couldn't send it without commitment from enough people. I put together my information, along with my photo, exactly as requested and forwarded it to Brenda Keefer, the person coordinating the program.

I realized that it would be a good idea for them to begin sending the mailings in early September. Since nothing had gone out yet, they might as well wait.

Why I started this blog about the International Speakers Network

Beginning in late 2006, I began receiving information through email from the International Speakers Network, also known as, AKA Insight Publishing about their ability to market my speaking abilities.

I received regular emails from them with interesting options that could address my marketing needs.

I went online to see if I could find information about them -- good or bad -- and was unable to find information except that many speakers were on their docket.

So in June 2007, I decided to take the plunge -- to trust that they were good business people -- and to learn more about marketing my speaking services. I spent $595 to join the organization (a one-time fee) and another $400 to become a part of a "Five Featured Healthcare Speakers" program which was to put my speaking information in front of 12000 health and medical conference planners over a six month period.

Today is Friday, September 28, and to this date, three months later, they have not followed through on the commitment to frame my information in a Five Featured Speakers format, and to this date, not one single email has been sent to any conference planners with my information in it.

Many promises have been made. Many lies have been offered as explanations, too. I have proof.

This blog is intended to record my experience with them. More importantly, this blog is intended to be found by those of you who may wish to do business with them in the future. I hope it will cause you to ask more questions before you make any commitments.

Feel free to contact me at BurnedbyISN (at) if you have further questions.