Tuesday, December 23, 2008

More Inquiries about the International Speaker's Network

Seems some folks on Twitter are looking for information about ISN now, too.

Hopefully they realize there is a whole group of people who wish they could do anything to get their money back from this bunch of scammers!

If you found this blog from Twitter -- welcome -- and please read through some of the posts on this blog to learn more about Insight Publishing, the International Speakers Network, the Innovators Group and the other names they use.

If you want a quick study, try:






And many more....

Do yourself a favor. Don't waste your money. Save it to use for something that might actually help you. and pat yourself on the back for spending the time reading this blog post, assuring yourself you've made the right decision.

Saturday, December 6, 2008

ISN Gets Its Due at LinkedIn

Looks like the International Speakers Network is getting the recognition it deserves -- at one of the groups of speakers at Linked In.

See what they have to say. It ain't pretty!

I believe it is like internet karma, you know?

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Watch Your Credit Card - Bogus Charges from ISN

Margie commented on my last blog post....

It seems that when she realized she had been scammed by the International Speakers Network, she went back to her credit card company, and they removed the charges from her credit card. Great!

But then, two months later, they charged her credit card for $250 worth of stuff she never even ordered!

See her post here.

Honestly -- I would stop blogging except that I know YOU may be the person who will save your money and not get taken by these people.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

More Money Saved Because People Found This Blog

As the economy tanks, we can be sure of one thing.... I have saved many people money -- speakers like you and me who work hard for our money and don't have extra to throw away on non-services like those offered by ISN or Book a speaker, or any of the other names they are using these days -- because they have found this blog.

At last count, at least 14 people have told me they were thinking of signing up, but found the information on this blog, and decided against it. That means I've saved folks at least $7000 and maybe more!

Joseph is the latest. He asked, "what's the scoop with these folks?" So I told him. I've also noticed a speaker named Lt. Col. Bob Weinstein just attended one of their workshops. I hope he learns what they WON'T do for him before he spends any more money. He certainly sent out enough press releases talking about it.

It truly helps me sleep at night to know I've saved so many people grief, stress and hassle. Thanks for listening.

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Email -- from an anonymous "Happy Customer"

Dear Anonymous:

I hope you enjoy your workshop this weekend in Gatlinburg with the people from ISN. In fact, I went to one of those workshops, too. What a waste of time! All they did was video tape other people who were speaking about topics I had NO interest in. Most of them were truly terrible speakers (there was one who wasn't bad) -- and I had to sit through it because that's what the workshop was.

Oh -- except for David Wright who pontificated on a few marketing topics -- nothing I wasn't already putting into practice. Of course, the whole idea was to try their tactics using the materials they would produce for you first, for big bucks, of course. What most people don't realize is that they can get those same materials printed at their own local print shop for far less money.

Bottom line -- you may be happy with ISN today, feeling excited that they are going to help you market your speaking. At that stage, I was happy with them, too! I was looking forward to developing the partnership that would help me market my abilities.

But -- talk to me in six months when you've sent them money and they haven't done what they promised they would do. Let me know when you've purchased the ability to be on their "mailing to 5,000 conference producers" or their "email to 12,000 conference producers" or their many books that you'll be included in. (I have yet to find anyone who really ended up with one of those books, by the way.)

Yup -- in six months I'd like to hear back from you to see if you're still as happy then as you are today. I'm going to bet two things: 1. That you won't be happy. and 2. that I won't hear from you when you aren't anyway.

Oh -- and by the way -- I can only imagine how much they are using Brenda Keefer's departure to blame their scam on -- of course! It's brilliant! I can hear it now -- "Yes, we know there are people who were unhappy with our service, but we figured out all the problems were coming from Brenda Keefer and she's gone now." hahahah!! Yes, that sounds good. Wonder what they're going to tell people a year from now when they don't follow through?

I do wish you luck and hope you do well.
Burned by ISN

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Willow Mist -- Avoid this One, Too

I found a note in the SpeakerNet newsletter (great newsletter by the way -- I highly recommend it) -- posted by a fellow who asked about Willow Mist Professional Services. Wanted to know if they are any good.

Willow Mist Professional Services is owned by Brenda Keefer, one of the people who used to work for David Wright at International Speakers Network, one of the people who was involved in stealing my money, and based on the email I get, money from many others, too.

Brenda has just finished her 10 years of probation for stealing about a quarter million dollars from her previous employer. As I said in a previous blog post -- no honor among thieves!

So perhaps my comment here is branching out some. But my bigger picture is to save us who make our living speaking from spending money on scam artists who plan only to take your money, and then plan to do nothing with it to assist our professions.

If this seems confusing to you, read some of these other posts and comments on this blog from others who have lost their money to Bookaspeaker, the International Speaker's Network, the Innovators Group and all the other aliases they use. Know that Brenda cut her teeth on their way of doing business. And save your money!

(posted 2/17/2012 - see updates on Brenda Keefer and Willow Mist here.)

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Getting Back at the International Speakers Network

See the comment below -- someone has asked what we can do to put the International Speakers Network and Book a Speaker. net out of business.

What I know is that there are dozens, if not hundreds of people who have paid money for services never rendered. Promises made, not kept. Frustration -- and David Wright and his son, Greg Wright, laughing up their sleeves at all of us who sent money and really expected they were going to help us out!

The point was made that "none of the people who worked there two years ago are there now." There is at least one -- Dona is still there as far as I know. I also know Brenda went out on her own to scam people all by herself. Turns out she just finished her 10 years of probation for stealing a quarter million dollars from her last employer! (Wow -- must make it tough to find a new job. No honor among thieves?)

If you have had problems with the International Speakers Network, here are some things that you can do to make sure others don't waste their money:
  1. The more information written online about ISN and its bad business, the more chance someone searching for information about them will find it. What we know about rising in the ranks in search engines is that the more links that come IN to a site, the higher it ranks.
  2. If everyone who has been scammed starts a blog like this, or is willing to link from an existing website, then all these posts will rise in the search engines. So you can start by writing a blog and linking to this blog: http://burnedbyisn.blogspot.com/
  3. Once you have written a blog, let me know, and I will link back. We can start a whole group of blogs that are linking to each other -- and they will all rise in the search engine results.
  4. The Rip Off Report already shows up on the first page of search results. Go to the Rip Off report and add to the information I have started there. You'll have to sign up, but you'll find it can be useful. I started the first post there many months ago, and since then, someone from ISN (pretending they weren't!) posted. Then just a few days ago, someone else posted about problems again. The more people who post, the better. Here's the link: http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/291/RipOff0291778.htm
  5. File with the Knoxville Better Business Bureau. There are a few, and because David Wright replies with so much bull-pooky, you won't get your money back. BUT -- file anyway. It takes only a few minutes and it causes ISN to have to do the paperwork. Even if you don't get your money back, you get the satisfaction of knowing that the BBB knows these guys are scam artists. Here's the link for the BBB: http://knoxville.bbb.org/WWWRoot/Report.aspx?site=57&bbb=0533&firm=11488 It does say ISN has an "unsatisfactory" record -- but that and a quarter....
  6. Lawsuit -- I'm going to let someone else pick up the ball on that one. It's easy enough for me to get back in touch with all those I know have been scammed -- probably about two dozen people I know about who have reached out to me. We can always reach out to others on their list of speakers.

Please let me know if you do any of the above and I'll do updates to this blog.

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Does This Email from International Speakers Network Sound Familiar? Don't Fall for This!

I was just contacted by someone who has received one of the ISN marketing emails. If you have been receiving these, please read carefully below! Here's the most recent -- as of 8/24/08:

We are currently working on five bookings for events being planned for 2008- 2009. We need speakers who can speak to these audiences.

The first event will be in August 2008 in Colorado. They are looking for one or two motivational speakers who can talk to members of Blacks in Government for their Annual National Training Conference. The budget is $5,000 per keynote speaker, plus expenses. (There are additional details on the call for presentation form)

The second event is in March 2009 in Texas. They need a keynote speaker for a 90 minute presentation. It will be for a human resource management association. The budget is $7,500, plus expenses. They are looking for someone to speak on human resources. (There are additional details on the call for presentation form)

The third event is in March 2009 in Colorado. They are seeking a keynote speaker for the opening session for a 60 minute presentation on teambuilding. The budget is $7,500, plus expenses. (There are additional details on the call for presentation form)

The fourth event is in May 2009 in North Carolina. They are seeking keynote speakers for the opening session for a 60 minute presentation to Professional Women on topics such as stress, life balance, mentoring, and motivation. The budget is $5,000-7,500, plus expenses. (There are additional details on the call for presentation form)

The fifth event will be in July 2009 in New York. They are looking for one or two speakers who can talk on health, nutrition, and pharmaceutical topics. The budget is $10,000 per keynote speaker, plus expenses. It is for the annual meeting and educational workshop. (There are additional details on the call for presentation form)

We have been expanding lately into various markets and are looking for speakers who are innovative and creative with topics for these markets.


OK -- so let me let you in on one of the worst kept secrets there is.... this is a scam. These conferences do not really exist! No they do not!

I fell for these emails, too. It's the reason I lost my money to them. I thought they were real.

Want proof? For one thing -- the only listing that actually tells you much is the first one. It says, "The first event will be in August 2008 in Colorado. They are looking for one or two motivational speakers who can talk to members of Blacks in Government for their Annual National Training Conference. The budget is $5,000 per keynote speaker, plus expenses. (There are additional details on the call for presentation form) "

So I looked up the National Training Conference and sure enough -- it WAS held in August (past tense) -- and it was held in New Orleans! Not Colorado. Oh. Think it was a typo? Think they meant 2009? Guess again -- it will be held in Baltimore, MD in 2009. And in Kansas City, Boston and Detroit after that.

See that "additional details are on the presentation form" thing? That is the disclaimer. If somehow you get one of these emails and you already paid your money, and you call to say "hey, how about me? What am I? Chopped liver? -- because of course, we all fit those profiles -- you will find out that there is some magical exclusion on that presentation form that means you won't fit the profile. Uh-huh. So sorry. These emails are a good exercise in creative writing, no more. And they are good at it. An awful lot of us fall for them!

And let me warn you. Once you sign up and pay them the money they want, those opportunities are never offered again. I don't remember ever hearing about any conference that needed a speaker, keynote or otherwise, once I paid. Nope. Those opportunities seem to have dried right up.

So there you go. Today's lesson. SAVE YOUR MONEY.

One commenter (below) asked about getting back at ISN -- see my follow up with ways to do that.

Saturday, August 16, 2008

And now Helen Weighs In... Another Speaker Burned by ISN

Received yesterday from Helen (no, not her real name)....

Hi-I have also been burned (and am still until I get my money back…well that probably won’t happen) by ISN.

I joined ISN early this year and since then nothing....of course the bogus monthly updates "we have booked all these fabulous events for our people" and "come to our events" - so I called them and asked who are you booking?

They gave me 4 names of people they book (all of whom are graduates of their "events") and we contacted all of them, no response. So I asked ISN "do we have to attend your events to get gigs?" response "it helps, but no."

It is always some excuse. I speak about 10 times a month and frankly it is not difficult to get me gigs. The promo they did for me was a mess, they claimed their computers went down and they lost all materials (I guess calling me to ask for them again was not an option).

I am frankly pissed, and at this point am deciding whether or not to have a lawyer write a letter to them asking for my money back and then also speaking to someone to have them investigated.

I didn't pay for the extra stuff, just the $500-ish initial amount since I thought it would be easy to book me. Thus far 100% of my bookings are word-of-mouth and I thought it couldn't hurt having someone else "help" me. 99% of the e-mails I get are to help us with videos, cards, brochures - things I (and any seasoned speaker) already have.

It is pretty genius, $500 - $1000 is not worth fighting for with lawyers, and most of us would write it off with "burned and move on" so they were thinking when they choose that amount. It was only a matter or time before they get "caught."


Thanks for letting us know, Helen. I'm sorry you have been caught in this bogus International Speaker's Network scam, too.

Thursday, August 7, 2008

ISN Strikes Again - Hope This Makes You Pause

I heard today from Sylvia (not her real name) that she, too, has thrown her money away. This is her note to me.... sad but true:

... I found your blog about your bad experience with the International Speakers Network, but it just seemed like you had some beef against them. They were so nice on the phone. After I found your blog, I asked them and they said they knew you and that you had caused the problem not them.

So I sent them my money, and I went to one of their workshops. It was such a waste of time! All I did was listen to other people speak. There were a few sessions about marketing my own speaking, but that's what I thought they were going to do for me!

Now it's several months later. So far -- nothing. They keep sending me emails telling me they want to include me in a book, or in a mailing, or on postcards. They just want more and more of my money, but they have done nothing for me! And so far, including the cost to attend that worthless workshop, I have spent more than $2000 with nothing to show for it.

I just wanted you to know that now I understand exactly what you meant about the ISN taking all your money but not doing what they promise to do. I am sorry it happened to you. I am sorry it happened to me.

I hope other people are smart enough to pay attention to both of us.

Thanks for letting me vent. Yes, you can use this on your blog.

I don't need to add to Sylvia's words. I just hope you find them and take them to heart.

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Joseph's Friend Scammed by ISN

Two emails today with similar stories about getting burned by ISN, the International Speakers Network. Here's one from Joseph:

Hi. I came across your blog the other day and it was an interesting read. I have a friend who recently joined ISN (yeah, too late) and after reading about your experience, I’m now afraid that the money has been lost. Regarding your post about Brenda Keefer leaving ISN, check out the email David Wright sent out the other day. The fact that he posted a link for all to see of Brenda’s criminal appeal case almost 10 years ago proves to me what kind of scum he is. And he sent this out to his entire client database!! Unbelievable…

Attached was a letter David Wright had sent out (noted in a blog post below) with a copy of Brenda Keefer's criminal case. Turns out she's still on probation until 2009 after stealing about $250,000 from a previous employer.


I guess my loss of $950 is nuttin compared to all that!

Do you have a story about dealings with ISN? Care to share? As you can see, I won't use your name....

Monday, June 2, 2008

Another Author / Speaker Ripped Off by ISN

Here's the first of the emails I have received in response to David Wright's upset at the loss of his sidekick, Brenda Keefer. (If you are unsure about what I mean, read the other June 2 post below.)

From Bob:

I received this email today which prompted me to do a google search on ISN and the “many” businesses that they represent. I found your blog and just wanted to confirm that I am one of the many people that have been burned by ISN. I had them print a book and, other than receiving the actual shipment, I did not received ANY OTHER SERVICES that were promised. ALL LIES!

So, just wanted you to know that you are in good company.

Hope your business continues to be successful – even WITHOUT their help.


Brenda's Out on Her Own

.... but can we trust her any more than we can trust David? That's the question.

Someone called "Thought you should know about this" at yahoo is sending email to any number of people who were likely scammed by ISN. The email contains a letter dated today, June 2, and says that Brenda Keefer, one of David Wright's right hand people, has started her own business called Willow Mist Professional Services.

Doncha just hate it when a disgruntled employee sets up shop and steals your thunder?

As for David Wright -- he's just protesting too much.... except I'm sure he doesn't want the company skeletons uncovered either. So he has to play nice -- to an extent.

In response to the memo David is sending, I'm beginning to hear from others who have been burned -- so -- I'm going to post the first of them in a separate post -- read above!

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Ripoff Report - check this out

Imagine my surprise to find that someone had posted a rebuttal to my filing on Ripoff Report for ISN. check this out: http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/291/ripoff0291778.htm

I've read it and reread it -- and the ONLY conclusion I can reach is that somebody from the staff at ISN wrote it. If not, I can't imagine how they would know the information they know?

I love how this person explains to me how it is a marketing company and they know what's good for me. Oh really? Hmmm.... I have worked in marketing myself for over 20 years. And somehow, THEY know how to market me -- yet -- there has never been ONE request for my services. YET -- when I do the marketing myself, I have more requests than I can handle?

Oh yeah. they know a lot, don't they?

The entire reason I tried to hire the International Speaker's Network was to help me with my marketing. I just didn't feel like I had time to manage it myself. Instead of lightening the load on my time, they lightened my pocketbook -- to the tune of $950.

Rip off -- personafied.

What do you think?

Saturday, March 8, 2008

Can I Deduct This ISN Scam from my Taxes?

That's the question I have posed to my tax accountant. She's reviewing the possibility and will get back to me.

The problem with the International Speakers Network business model is this: those of us who buy-in are spread all across the country; probably even North America. So unless we find information like this blog to tell us whether an organization like the International Speaker's Network, or BookaSpeaker.net or Innovators Group or Insight Publishing (I wonder what new names they are using this month?) is going to take our money from us and do nothing in return, we don't have an opportunity to find out the truth about their scheme.

It makes me wonder what David Wright's income tax filing looks like. Hmmm.... that might have to be my next step. I wonder if he has ever been audited?

I'll let you know what I find out.

Thursday, February 21, 2008

February 2008 Report -- More Dollars Saved!

It's been a busy couple of months since my last post.

First -- the good news: I've been contacted by four more people since the first of the year with questions about my experience with the International Speakers Network. I shared my story with them and each one has decided against doing any business with these money-stealing bozos. I saved them each about $600, right? You do the math.

Second -- more good news: I was contacted by some people who run workshops for people who want to be speakers. They have a great blog called Hidden Speaker Treasures of the Internet. They asked if they could use my experience to present at a conference they would be giving in San Francisco this month. Perhaps that's why the counter on this blog went up so high so quickly? Happy to be of service. If I kept even more people who have not contacted me from spending their hard earned money, it's worth sharing my story.

Third - still more good news: Knowing the ISN would not be helping me after all, I began searching the internet for conferences that focus on the topics I can speak to. I'm happy to report I've had some success. I have seven talks booked between now and October and bites on two more. There is life after the International Speaker's Network.

Bad news? yes, of course. I have not heard one single word from David Wright or Brenda Keefer or Greg Wright or any of the rest of them. They still have all my money and they have left me with nothing but the knowledge that karma will get them.

What goes around comes around ISN.... I hope even more people find this blog and save their money. At least I hope they don't give it to you.