Saturday, April 19, 2008

Ripoff Report - check this out

Imagine my surprise to find that someone had posted a rebuttal to my filing on Ripoff Report for ISN. check this out:

I've read it and reread it -- and the ONLY conclusion I can reach is that somebody from the staff at ISN wrote it. If not, I can't imagine how they would know the information they know?

I love how this person explains to me how it is a marketing company and they know what's good for me. Oh really? Hmmm.... I have worked in marketing myself for over 20 years. And somehow, THEY know how to market me -- yet -- there has never been ONE request for my services. YET -- when I do the marketing myself, I have more requests than I can handle?

Oh yeah. they know a lot, don't they?

The entire reason I tried to hire the International Speaker's Network was to help me with my marketing. I just didn't feel like I had time to manage it myself. Instead of lightening the load on my time, they lightened my pocketbook -- to the tune of $950.

Rip off -- personafied.

What do you think?