Thursday, June 17, 2010

Brenda Keefer, Willow Mist, a former ISN employee -- Still Ripping People Off

The International Speaker's Network hates that I'm still talking about Branda Keefer on this blog -- but she was such a player in my own rip-off story, and she worked for ISN for so long before she started Willow Mist, that I still see them as one in the same.

Two comments to share with you:

From someone who heard from a new ISN employee -- Tracy Dalton -- an email received in April as a "call for presentations" -- which is no doubt as bogus as any of their recruitment pieces.

Here's the sad part about that. Tracy Dalton is probably a young woman who is sincere and thinks her new job with or the International Speaker's Network is a good one. She doesn't yet understand that she's working for a company that takes other people's money and doesn't deliver on their promises.

A second comment regarding Brenda Keefer and Willow Mist:

I will report Brenda after reading comments. An ebook that I contributed to seems not to be getting published either. I am out $110 and much work. Such a pity that she claims to be such a Christian woman too. A page out of Tammy Faye's book.

Still up to her shenanigans, I see!

Thanks to all of you who feed me information. Both ISN and Brenda make sure I never show up on any of their lists -- so all info comes from those of you who have found this blog.

As of today, almost 7500 people have found my BurnedbyISN blog. While I'm sure the great majority found it AFTER they lost money, I have no doubt we've saved many others the headache of dealing with ISN or Brenda Keefer.


Anonymous said...

I am sad to say I fell for the scam. Maybe is was hope. Maybe just thinking she was a nice person. But, I fell for it. Out good money too. I guess my hope is for others to NOT fall for the same scam. If I can save one person $, I will at least know my loss had some reason. I finally stopped the payments a few months ago, but wow, was I wrong. My gut said don't do it, but all I can say is I fell for it - hook, line, and sinker. Thanks for the BLOG

Anonymous said...

I am glad this blog exists. While doing my diligence about the company after receiving the "email" I found this site. Thanks for the heads up. For once I found out BEFORE I lost money!

dwight bain said...

Warning - if you receive an email invitation "Call for Speakers" from Brenda Keefer, Willow Mist, ISN, BookaSpeaker, or Innovators Group-BUYER BEWARE!

They offer marketing of speakers services, printing & booking new business. But I forgot the rule- if it sounds too good to be is.

Orvel Ray Wilson, Chuck Gallagher. Don Deems & others warned about their unethical reputation; I didn't check references & paid the piper a few hundred dollars to be taught the rule- "if you are smart you won't be scammed."

Hoping you will not be gullible in trusting a clever strangers from E. Tennessee

dwight bain said...

Warning - if you receive an email invitation "Call for Speakers" from Brenda Keefer, Willow Mist, ISN, BookaSpeaker, or Innovators Group-BUYER BEWARE!

They offer marketing of speakers services, printing & booking new business. But I forgot the rule- if it sounds too good to be is.

Orvel Ray Wilson, Chuck Gallagher. Don Deems & others warned about their unethical reputation; I didn't check references & paid the piper a few hundred dollars to be taught the rule- "if you are smart you won't be scammed."

Hoping you will not be gullible in trusting a clever strangers from E. Tennessee

Dwight Bain said...

Warning - if you receive an email invitation "Call for Speakers" from Brenda Keefer, Willow Mist, ISN, BookaSpeaker, or Innovators Group-BUYER BEWARE!

They offer marketing of speakers services, printing & booking new business. But I forgot the rule- if it sounds too good to be is.

Orvel Ray Wilson, Chuck Gallagher. Don Deems & others warned about their unethical reputation; I didn't check references & paid the piper a few hundred dollars to be taught the rule- "if you are smart you won't be scammed."

Hoping you will not be gullible in trusting a clever strangers from E. Tennessee

Lori Ermi said...

I wish I did my homework. I also fell for the scam. My concern is she has credit card info now. She did sound like a lovely person. WHY did I not google her sooner? What was I thinking?

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