Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Is this smear blogging?

I did write to ISN yesterday. Heard back from Greg Wright who said it was the first time he had heard about my disappointment with their service. That's possible.

I made a correction and suggested my disappointment was about their LACK OF service.

He asked me to desist with my smear blogging. I told him this blog is merely a recount of my experience.

He told me that in fact, all the mailings I had contracted for had been sent and he had directed Brenda to send me the confirmations.

The program he's referring to is an email that was supposed to be sent out to 12,000 conference planners with a pdf listing me as a Top 5 speaker.

So I asked him to send me -- within the hour -- a copy of the pdf. Afterall, if it's already been sent out to the conference planners it shoud be nothing at all to send me a copy, right?

So far nuttin. In fairness, all this took place at 5:30 in the afternoon. Perhaps I'll receive it this morning.

I also told him I want the names and contact info for three of the people it was sent to so I can talk to them to verify they received it.

I'll keep you posted.

Monday, October 29, 2007

Still playing dumb....

If you've read this far, and you are still considering spending your hard-earned money with the International Speaker's Network (located in Sevierville, TN ) -- consider my experience:

It's been 4 months since I spent nearly $1,000 to sign up with Book A Speaker, an ISN service, and to be included in an email that supposedly goes to meeting planners. Nothing. Still nothing.

And -- they are claiming they don't owe me any money. However -- I'm still fighting it.

I wish I didn't get mixed up with this bunch! I've contacted almost a dozen of their other speakers and to date I can't find one single person who has ever been booked through their program -- not one.

Nor can I find any conference producers who have ever even heard of them!

These are the business names they use:

Insight Publishing
International Speakers Network
The Innovator's Group

The Better Business Bureau listing cites Greg Wright as the contact person -- I think he is David Wright, the owner's son. Doesn't make David much of a role model, does it?

In my experience, corraling us speakers is just their way of getting us to print our speaker materials -- except -- the promises they make to me as a speaker are empty. It makes me wonder what their promises are to authors?

I'll keep you posted.

Friday, October 5, 2007

I want my money back

OK -- so I've written a letter to David Wright and asked for my money back. They owe me $950 all together because in almost 5 months now -- nuttin. None of the service I've paid for has been delivered to me.

I'm an inch away from calling this bunch total scam artists. And yes -- they got me.